GLEC’s ongoing success hinges on our deep long-standing relationships with clients and partners. GLEC has been recognized as a model small business contractor by U.S. EPA, able to provide the flexible and responsive service of a smaller organization while offering the sophisticated accounting and administrative capabilities demanded by large federal contracts. Our trusting and collaborative relationships with partnering firms and consultants allow us to organize and join multi-disciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, and other experts to solve the most complex environmental and programmatic challenges. GLEC’s multiyear EPA Office of Water contracts GSA FSS Schedule 899-1 Environmental Services contract provide capacity for a wide range of field and laboratory-based research activities.
Client | Contract | Capacity |
U.S. EPA OW Office of Science & Technology, Health and Ecological Criteria Division | 68HERC20D0019 Technical and Regulatory Support for the Development of Criteria for Water Media (Ecological Emphasis) | $12.5 million 2020-2026 |
U.S. EPA OW Office of Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds, Assessment & Watershed Protection Division | 68HERC22D0001 Technical Support for National Aquatic Resource Surveys | $35 million 2021-2026 |
U.S. EPA OW Office of Groundwater & Drinking Water, Standards & Risk Management Division | 68HERC23D0009 Technical Support for Implementation of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule and Drinking Water Standards Development | $30.5 million 2012-2027 |
U.S. Army Pine Bluff Arsenal | W52P1J-22-P-3004 Environmental Engineering Services | $2.5 million 2021-2026 |
U.S. EPA Region 1 | 68HE0123A0001 – Technical Support to Implement Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act Programs | $ TBD 2023-2028 |
U.S EPA Office of Water | 68HERC20D0010 Technical and Administrative Support to the U.S. EPA's National Water Program |
$16.7 million |
General Service Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule contracts offer federal and other government buyers the opportunity to purchase services at best available pricing. Requests for proposals and quotes can be directed to any number of certified GSA vendors to simplify and streamline the buying process. See GLEC’s GSA catalogue for a description of our services and our multi-year pricing schedule.
Consulting & Research
Great Lakes Environmental Center, Inc. is and employee-owned ESOP incorporated in the State of Michigan. GLEC is active in the following NAICS industry categories and currently meets SBA requirements as a small business under all categories:
541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
541620 Environmental Consulting Services
541690 Other Scientific Consulting Services
541712 Research and Development in the Physical Engineering and Life Sciences
541380 Testing Laboratories
541330 Environmental Engineering Services
562910 Environmental Remediation Services
Business Development
Phone: 231-525-0527
"The contractor technical quality of work product was exceptional. Any questions or minor problems were identified early and adjustments were made to ensure assigned tasks were completed as needed in a timely manner. Overall, the contractor was proactive and made suggestions at the initiation or during the execution of tasks to improve the quality or efficiency of producing a work product. The varied technical tasks under the task orders have been delivered with high quality and in a timely manner and reflect an understanding of the project requirements, with appropriate application of QA/QC processes."
U.S. EPA Office of Water - Contractor Performance Assessment 2023
"The contractor executed all aspects of this Task Order with the utmost professional and technical integrity, delivering timely and complete deliverables that met all project objectives in a cost-efficient manner. This was one of the better contractors I have worked with in my 10+ years."
U.S. EPA Office of Water – Contractor Performance Assessment 2022
“The contractor has demonstrated an outstanding performance level that justifies adding a point to the score. It is expected that this rating will be used in those rare circumstances where the contractor achieved cost savings and performance clearly exceeds the performance levels described as “Excellent.”
EPA Office of Water – UCMR Contract Review 2007-2008
“Great Lakes Environmental Center, Inc.'s quality of work has always been very good. Although GLEC's project manager for the PBA contract has other projects and other contracts to also manage, it usually seems as though PBA is GLEC's only client.”
U.S. Army– Pine Bluff Arsenal Environmental Engineering Services Contract Review 2018