GLEC Conducting Algal Chlorophyll Analysis for the NEON Program


May 21, 2020

GLEC was awarded a two-year contract from Battelle to provide analytical support to the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Program, which is funded by the National Science Foundation. The mission of the NEON Program is to design, implement, and operate continental scale research infrastructure to open new horizons in ecological science and education, and to enable ecological analyses and forecasts for the benefit of society. A major part of the NEON Program’s measurement system is organismal sampling to measure the impacts of ecological changes. Algal samples are collected from up to 34 aquatic sites across the continental U.S., as well as sites in Alaska and Puerto Rico. GLEC is processing and analyze the samples for chlorophyll a and pheophytin a. The data will be used to measure and map changes in aquatic ecosystem dynamics over time




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