The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) considers contaminated groundwater venting to surface water a significant threat to the State’s surface water quality. During 1995, and more recently, during 2002, the MDEQ promulgated rules under Part 201 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, (NREPA; of 1994, as amended) to regulate the discharge of contaminated groundwater to surface waters of the State. Part 201 requires that if a remedial action proposes to allow groundwater to vent to surface water from a facility above generic groundwater/surface water interface (GSI) criteria, then the discharge must comply with the requirements of Part 31 of the NREPA.
Our extensive experience serving both the regulated and regulatory communities assures GLEC clients benefit from credible and cost-effective solutions to regulatory concerns.
For more information contact:
Senior Program Manager/Hydrogeologist
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