GLEC has extensive experience conducting Impingement and Entrainment Characterization studies supporting CWA 316(b) and 316(a) compliance at coal-fired and nuclear power plants in the Great Lakes Region. CWA 316(b) and 316(a) compliance support from GLEC typically includes:
Principal clients include DTE Energy, American Electric Power, and CMS Energy, and engineering firms that specialize in power plant design and construction services. Other clients include Xcel Energy, Ford Motor Company, Howard Energy Company, North American Hydro, Minnesota Power, Tennessee Valley Authority, and Thunder Bay Power Company.
GLEC has specialized experience supporting hydropower companies with FERC relicensing efforts by performing Exhibit E (Environmental Studies) of FERC relicense applications. Exhibit E studies typically included environmental assessments of recreation, water quality, sediment quality, wetlands, wildlife, endangered species, fish entrainment, fisheries assessments and cultural and historical resources. Section 401(a) of the Clean Water Act also requires that hydropower licenses include state water quality certification. GLEC staff have assisted power generating clients comply with 401(a) requirements through solid research, effective communications, and extensive knowledge of state water quality criteria standards.
Senior Environmental Scientist
Phone: 231-525-0493