Great Lakes Environmental Center

Water Quality

GLEC is a recognized national leader in field and laboratory-based water quality research and assessment work for both industry and regulatory agencies. GLEC researchers conduct surface water and groundwater quality assessments on any scale, from large integrated national studies to monitoring programs at the watershed, lake, and tributary level. We own and operate a full complement of surveying, monitoring and analysis equipment that supports our ability to perform all water quality assessment tasks, from monitoring and collecting water samples to analyzing, interpreting and modeling chemical and biological data. We can conduct bioaccumulation/bioconcentration studies at our principal laboratories or on-site with mobile laboratories. GLEC supports federal and state surface water quality assessment programs that include field surveys, methods development, training, and logistics.   Wastewater utilities and industrial firms engage GLEC to perform assessments of effluent and storm water discharges on receiving waters and develop local site-specific water quality criteria.  GLEC’s environmental engineers apply advanced water quality modeling towards a better understanding of the effects of pollution on the aquatic environment.  Lake associations and tribal nations use GLEC to conduct routine water quality monitoring in lakes and streams. GLEC’s experienced staff remain committed to designing and performing a water quality programs that best fit client research and compliance objectives.

Great Lakes Environmental Center

739 Hastings Street
Traverse City, MI   49686

Phone: (231) 941-2230
Fax: (231) 941-2240